- Written by WVMFT
What is ReEmployment Preference?
Associate Faculty with re-employment preference have preference, (priority), over Associate Faculty without re-employment preference in the assignment of classes. To be considered for re-employment preference, REP1, an associate member must have successfully served for six semesters within a period of 5 years, (excluding summer or winter sessions). An Associate Faculty member shall be granted re-employment preference when three consecutive evaluations indicate satisfactory performance as confirmed by the Vice-President of Instruction. (Read Article 100 in the Contract for more details.) Associate Faculty who have achieved REP1 can move to REP2 after 2 additional satisfactory years of service and 2 additional evaluations. For more details, refer to Articles 100 & 108 in the WVMFT Contract.
Click on the link to view the West Valley list of Associates with REP1 & REP2:
The West Valley Office of Instruction is in charge of maintaining the list using information obtained from department chairs.
Click on the link below to view the Mission College list of Associates with REP1 & REP2.