- Written by WVMFT
WVMFT and the District negotiated additional paid flex (APF) hours for faculty with Fall 2020 assignments. The exact agreement can be found in the recent MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) located here. (See page four)
These additional paid flex (APF) hours are not part of the full-time faculty's regular flex day requirement. Faculty who fulfill APF hours will be paid extra as follows:
- For full-time faculty: Pay for up to six hours at their non-instructional hourly rate (Salary Schedule C's).
- For associate faculty: Pay for up to 12 hours at $50/hour. These 12 hours include the three hours that the District is already obligated to pay to associates who attend three hours of flex day activities.
Faculty who do not do anything to fulfill APF hours (six for full-time faculty and 12 for associates) will not be paid, nor will there be any deductions of sick-time. The regular flex day (Friday before the first week of class) is still in place and considered part of the full-time faculty job responsibilities and therefore compensation for the six regular flex day hours is included in the full-time faculty base salary.
WVMFT is encouraging all faculty to take advantage of the APF hours. We see these APF hours as a way for faculty to be compensated for training that will enhance one's abilities to teach and perform in a distance education format.
What can faculty do to fulfill these hours?
Any training recommended by the college, your dean, or the DE Committee can be taken to fulfill APF hours as well as regular flex day hours without pre-approval from one's dean.
The colleges are encouraging all faculty who are not yet DE certified to obtain the necessary training to gain that certification. After Fall 2020, all faculty teaching online will need DE certification. If you were not certified to teach online prior to COVID 19, then you will need to acquire certification to teach online starting in Winter 2021. Certification standards are based on Article 51 of our contract.
Both colleges are suggesting that full-time faculty fulfill both the APF hours and the regular flex day hours by combining the hours together (6 APF hours + 6 Reg flex day hours) and enrolling in at least 12 hours of some form of training. Similarly the colleges are recommending that associates also enroll in at least 12 hours of training and forgo the three paid hours for the regular flex day. Due to challenges with online teaching, both WVMFT and the District agree that students would be best served if faculty focused on honing their online teaching skills.
If you would like to be paid for your APF hours and/or fulfill regular flex day hours by doing an activity that is not an approved training, then you may request approval from your division dean using an independent flex activity application. These independent flex activity applications must be submitted at least one week in advance of flex day per Article 16.3.
Faculty can still fulfill regular flex hours by attending virtual activities scheduled on All College Day, August 28, 2020.
What if training is full?
Both colleges' Offices of Instruction will continue to send out email updates with training opportunities. WVC will be communicating soon about ways that faculty can fulfill APF and flex hours through modules offered by the Vision Resource Center.
When will faculty be paid for their APF hours?
All completed APF hours and regular flex hours will be tracked by the colleges' Offices of Instruction. Faculty who take training not offered by the college will need to send verification of completion to the Office of Instruction. If an independent flex activity was completed, faculty should provide documentation of completion to the Office of Instruction.
Faculty will be paid in their September 30th pay check for APF hours submitted prior to September 4th. Faculty who choose to fulfill APF hours after September 4th will be paid in a later pay check.
WVMFT is urging all faculty to keep a record of their hours and all evidence of training.
Still need help on what to do?
Each college has sent out an email(s) to all faculty indicating training options. WVMFT recommends responding to those emails if you have questions. If you still have questions, please reach out to WVMFT. We are around all summer and we're here to help!
The WVMFT Executive Board
Posted in Action Network / News