- Written by WVMFT
- Have you ever accrued sick time and forgot to transfer it when you moved to our district?
- Were you ever told that the 3-year timeframe to transfer sick time had elapsed?
- Were you told some other reason for why you could not transfer your sick time from another district to our district?
- Did you know that unused sick time applies towards STRS service credit and can increase your retirement benefit?
- Did you know that you can donate sick time to someone in need?
As you know, sick time is worth money and now is the time to transfer it if you've got sick time languishing in some other community college district(s).
The 3 year time limit to transfer sick time from one college to another no longer applies. You may now transfer unused sick time even if you earned that sick time long ago (provided you worked at least one year in that former district).
- Info from CalSTRS: https://www.calstrs.com/
sites/main/files/file- attachments/may19_eac11_ab_ 706_introduced_2-19-19.pdf? 1556570174 - Here's the bill language: https://leginfo.legislature.
ca.gov/faces/billNavClient. xhtml?bill_id=201920200AB706
Thanks to the California Legislature, the Governor, and the advocacy of FACCC, the past barriers to transferring sick time have been eliminated with the passing of AB 706. AB 706 was authored by Evan Low from Assembly District 28. Evan Low serves an area that includes a large part our District. Evan Low is certainly a friend to community college educators!
This bill covers both full-time and part-time faculty members. WVMFT wants all of our members to be aware of this new law and encourages everyone to aggregate all their sick time at the district they plan to retire from.