- Written by WVMFT
Welcome our newly-appointed Elections Committee members:
Nohemy Chavez, MC and Kris Gaiero, WVC
We need 1 more MC faculty member and 1 more WVC member to be on the Elections Committee.
In order to start the elections process, according to our Constitution and By-Laws, we first need to appoint two more members to the independent Elections Committee.
Who is the Elections Committee? Two faculty from Mission College and two faculty from West Valley College. The Executive Board is calling on all faculty to consider volunteering to run the elections. Contact your union representative or send an email to executive_director@wvmft.org.
What does the Elections Committee do?
The Elections Committee makes all official announcements regarding union elections. It makes decisions about the election procedures, election days, disseminates candidate forms and collects the candidates' statements and petitions electronically. The elections are also done electronically and the Elections Committee, with the union Secretary, verify and announce the results of the elections.
How much time does it take?
After the initial meeting to plan, the Elections Committee will probably spend several hours per month in February, March, April. The elections will conclude by May and the new Executive Board will start the second regular meeting in May.
Can I get Institutional Responsibility credit for being on the Elections Committee? Yes. Institutional Responsibility activities now include unpaid union work.
Posted in Action Network / News