- Written by WVMFT
Additional Work for Online Transition
The union has received reports that the transition to moving instruction and services for students online has resulted in a significant amount of additional work. We need input on how much extra work has been required to quickly adapt and move work online. WVMFT's Eboard needs to know if we should bargain for additional stipends/compensation and if so what would be reasonable.
How much extra work has been involved in moving classes, library, counseling, and other services online? Please email us back or you may respond to this short survey located here.
Faculty Appraisals
We have concerns about fairness for faculty being appraised who had to quickly convert their classes/work-load to online and also the work-load for faculty conducting the appraisals. We don’t want anyone to suffer a loss of tenure or attainment of REP status due to COVID 19. However we also don't want to force someone to be evaluated based upon online classes that are not in their original teaching contract. The union is working to postpone non-essential appraisals for the Spring 2020 semester.
What issues and concerns do you have around the Spring 2020 appraisal process and work load to complete appraisals remotely?
Please email us back or respond to the last survey question here.
Telecommuting Agreement
We have learned that some faculty have been asked to sign a Temporary Telecommuting Agreement. WVMFT was not consulted about any "telecommuting agreements" and only recently became aware of one agreement form. This form is not enforceable because the District never consulted WVMFT about it and it represents a change in working conditions which are negotiated collectively by the union on behalf of all faculty.
If you signed a telecommuting agreement or you were asked to sign one, please let us know. We will protect the rights of all faculty who are now working remotely. Please email us back about this.
Thanks to all of you and stay safe!
The WVMFT Executive Board