- Written by WVMFT
Spring 2023 negotiations have ended, Tentative Agreements (TA's) have been signed, and soon we will be asking members to ratify the agreements by voting.
We will be holding membership meetings next week to discuss these agreements. All members are encouraged to zoom in:
- Monday, June 12, 3:00 pm
- Tuesday, June 13, 10:00 am
- Tuesday, June 13, 12:00 pm
- Wednesday, June 14, 10:00 am
Click here to zoom into any of these membership meetings. https://missioncollege-edu.
We urge all members to read through the TAs. Note that new language is either bolded or shown in colored text, and rejected language is struck out. All other text in the articles is language that will remain as status quo.
The TAs can be found here: 2023 Tentative Agreements
A summary of the gains won during this round of negotiations is shown below:
Summary of Negotiations
COMPENSATION (Articles 13 & 101)
6% across the board raise for all faculty effective the first pay period of the Fall 2023 semester.
- The differential between all steps will increase from 3.5% to 3.75%.
- Column F (PhD) will be 3.75% higher than column E, compared to the existing 2% difference.
- Associate Faculty Parity will be increased from 80% to 82% effective the Fall 2023 semester.
Therefore the total raise for faculty will include both the 6% plus the new higher pay rate for each step/column. WVMFT has drafted 2023-24 salary schedules based upon these changes, and we will share those at the membership meetings.
FRINGE BENEFITS (Articles 14 & 102)
Full Time Faculty and Associates with 40% load – Medical Benefits Annual Cap will increase from $12,480 to $13,734 for single coverage, $23,580 to $26,027 for 2‐party coverage, and $30,240 to $33,402 for 3 or more coverage.
CALENDAR (Article 16) – 2025-26 calendar to be finalized with District by June 16th.
While we did not "win" everything we put across the table, we feel that overall the faculty made good progress with compensation & benefits and advancing structural improvements to the salary schedule. We will continue to ambitiously push for those things that are important to you such as lecture-lab parity and full parity for associate faculty. Our next bargaining meeting on the previous 2022 bargaining reopeners for lab load and appraisals will be June 15
We invite feedback from all members, so please feel free to reach out to the WVMFT Executive Team with any suggestions and questions.
The WVMFT Executive Team
Kate Disney*, President, president@wvmft.org
Karen Chan*, Executive Director, executive_director@wvmft.org
Brenna Wundram*, Vice President, bbetcher24@hotmail.com
Jory Segal*, Secretary, segaljory@gmail.com
Michele Speck, Treasurer, michele.a.speck@gmail.com
Jim Schweppe, Mission Full-time Faculty Representative, schweppejj@gmail.com
Wendy Bowers-Gachesa, WVC Full-time Faculty Representative, wgachesa@hotmail.com
Monica Nolasco, Mission Associate Faculty Representative, monicanolasco@mail.com
Eva Maddox, WVC Associate Faculty Representative, Eva.m.maddox@gmail.com
* Member of 2023 Bargaining Team