- Written by WVMFT
Check your inbox, and possibly your spam, for an action network message about the TA with the District. You will also be receiving a link to vote for Ratification through Survey Monkey. Voting will conclude on Thursday, August 29,2019 at 5pm. If Faculty ratify the contract, the Board of Trustees will vote on it at their first fall meeting, September, 3, 2019. If ratified by Faculty, the 5% raise for all faculty will go into effect on September 1, 2019, but the salary adjustment will occur on the 10/31/2019 pay and the 5% raise going back to 9/1/2019, will be in the November 30th, 2019 pay.
Article_14_ REOPENERS.08.19.19
Article_16_ REOPENERS.08.19.19