- Written by WVMFT
As most of you know, the full-time faculty legacy conference funds are still in their respective accounts. WVMFT had been advising faculty to use (or apply to use) their legacy conference funds this academic year, understanding that those funds will be swept by the District in the Fall 2021.
However, WVMFT recently negotiated a slight change to this policy that should be less confusing for all.
Now, the policy is very simple: If you attend a conference and you wish to use your legacy conference funds, simply submit conference attendance receipts along with the approved conference request form for reimbursement no more than 45 days after the conference and no later than April 30, 2021. So in short, everyone now has approximately 18 months from now to use their legacy conference funds!
We hope this slight policy change is easier for all to understand.
Just to clarify, although legacy funds are independent of the 2019-2020 new conference funds, faculty are encouraged to use their legacy funds before or in combination with the new conference funds.
The District's standard travel policies have not changed - (i.e., you will still need an approved conference request form prior to attending the conference, etc.)
P.S. The two new Conference Leave Committees have met and are creating a process for applying for 2019-2020 conference funds. Expect to see an application arriving in your inbox by the first week in November. Please contact the following faculty to inquire about applying for these non-legacy funds:
Michelle Francis & Bickie Choy, WVC Conference Leave Committee
Wendy Shan & Haze Dennis, Mission College Conference Leave Committee