The Executive Board of the West Valley-Mission Federation of Teachers (WVMFT) recognizes the enormous negative effect COVID-19 is having, both emotionally and financially, on the members of WVMFT. To respond to this unprecedented impact of COVID-19, the WVMFT Executive Board has created a pilot program to provide emergency assistance funds to support affected members. This pilot program is WVMFT Cares.
WVMFT members undergoing economic hardship can apply for up to $500 in emergency financial assistance through this pilot program.
To be eligible for WVMFT Cares, you must be:
- a member of WVMFT,
- be employed with the District currently or have been previously employed with the District within the last year, and
- have experienced assignment reductions that are causing a financial hardship.
If you have questions about WVMFT Cares and/or you wish to request emergency assistance, please reach out to Jeff Cormier or Nick Barron. You may also reach out to any of the WVMFT Executive Board members.
Jeff Cormier, WVMFT Full-time Representative ,
Nick Barron, WVMFT Associate Representative,
In order to help people as quickly as possible, we are requesting that faculty reach out no later than September 24, 2020.
We're in this together
We've all seen signs stating "We're in this together" or "We'll get through this". I'm sure such signs have triggered your own thoughts about what you could do to support those around you during these extraordinary times.
For those of you who are in a position to help with WVMFT Cares, please consider this a "call to action".
- Have you the financial means to match some of the funds allocated to members in need?
- Do you know someone who might wish to donate to WVMFT Cares?
- Would you be willing to spread the word about WVMFT Cares to students and friends?
- Are you able to reach out to supporters of our district to see if they may be willing to support WVMFT Cares?
- Do you have great ideas concerning how to grow WVMFT Cares so that we can sustain this program and provide more help to more faculty?
- Are you interested in helping in non-financial ways, such as giving up an overload class once a year or semester so that an associate has work?
- Other ways to lend a hand...
If you are interested in being part of WVMFT Cares, please reach out to one of us. We welcome everyone's ideas!
The WVMFT Executive Board
Kate Disney, President,
Karen Chan, Executive Director,
Mel Pritchard, Vice President,
Yanghee Kim, Treasurer,
Jory Segal, Secretary,
Jeff Cormier, Mission Full-time Faculty Representative,
Patricia Louderback, WVC Full-time Faculty Representative,
Nick Barron, Mission Associate Faculty Representative,
Ellen Yu Costa, WVC Associate Faculty Representative,