- Written by WVMFT
The Elections Committee is pleased to announce a call for nominations of candidates for Officers and College Representatives for our upcoming Executive Board Elections in April 2021.
The Executive Board positions are: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer and four Representatives, two from each college, one each for part-time and full-time faculty.
Informational for the positions can also be found in Article 5 of the union constitution.
All interested members in good standing are encouraged to apply. The nomination packet documents are attached:
(1) Candidate’s Statement form
(2) Officer's Nomination and Petition form The committee will also accept email verification from the member who is supporting the candidate’s petition an acceptable alternative to a signature.
Deadline for submission of the Nomination Packet is Wednesday, March 31 by 5:00 pm. Submit your paperwork electronically to the Elections Committee at electionscommittee@wvmft.org
Your WVMFT, AFT 6554 Elections Committee:
John Beck and Susan Ma, Mission College
Sungmin Jin, West Valley College